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PowerShell Certs
CSR Generator
## PowerShell Script to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using the SHA256 (SHA-256) signature algorithm and a 2048 bit key size (RSA) via the Cert Request Utility (certreq) ## <# JWJ0215 2023 #> ### ## # YOU WILL NEED TO START ISE AS OTHER USER TO RUN.... #################### # Prerequisite check #################### if (-NOT([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Write-Host "Administrator priviliges are required. Please restart this script with elevated rights." -ForegroundColor Red Pause Throw "Administrator priviliges are required. Please restart this script with elevated rights." } ####################### # Setting the variables ####################### $UID = [guid]::NewGuid() $files = @{} $files['settings'] = "$($env:TEMP)\$($UID)-settings.inf"; $files['csr'] = "$($env:TEMP)\$($UID)-csr.req" $request = @{} $request['SAN'] = @{} Write-Host "Provide the Subject details required for the Certificate Signing Request" -ForegroundColor Yellow $request['CN'] = Read-Host "Common Name (CN)" $request['O'] = Read-Host "Organization (O)" $request['OU'] = Read-Host "Organizational Unit (OU)" $request['L'] = Read-Host "Locality / City (L)" $request['S'] = Read-Host "State (S)" $request['C'] = Read-Host "Country Code (C)" ########################### # Subject Alternative Names ########################### $i = 0 Do { $i++ $request['SAN'][$i] = read-host "Subject Alternative Name $i (e.g. alt.company.com / leave empty for none)" if ($request['SAN'][$i] -eq "") { } } until ($request['SAN'][$i] -eq "") # Remove the last in the array (which is empty) $request['SAN'].Remove($request['SAN'].Count) ######################### # Create the settings.inf ######################### $settingsInf = " [Version] Signature=`"`$Windows NT`$ [NewRequest] KeyLength = 2048 Exportable = TRUE MachineKeySet = TRUE SMIME = FALSE RequestType = PKCS10 ProviderName = `"Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider`" ProviderType = 12 HashAlgorithm = sha256 ;Variables Subject = `"CN={{CN}},OU={{OU}},O={{O}},L={{L}},S={{S}},C={{C}}`" [Extensions] {{SAN}} ;Certreq info ;http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn296456.aspx ;CSR Decoder ;https://certlogik.com/decoder/ ;https://ssltools.websecurity.symantec.com/checker/views/csrCheck.jsp " $request['SAN_string'] = & { if ($request['SAN'].Count -gt 0) { $san = " = `"{text}`" " Foreach ($sanItem In $request['SAN'].Values) { $san += "_continue_ = `"dns="+$sanItem+"&`" " } return $san } } $settingsInf = $settingsInf.Replace("{{CN}}",$request['CN']).Replace("{{O}}",$request['O']).Replace("{{OU}}",$request['OU']).Replace("{{L}}",$request['L']).Replace("{{S}}",$request['S']).Replace("{{C}}",$request['C']).Replace("{{SAN}}",$request['SAN_string']) # Save settings to file in temp $settingsInf > $files['settings'] # Done, we can start with the CSR Clear-Host ################################# # CSR TIME ################################# # Display summary Write-Host "Certificate information Common name: $($request['CN']) Organisation: $($request['O']) Organisational unit: $($request['OU']) City: $($request['L']) State: $($request['S']) Country: $($request['C']) Subject alternative name(s): $($request['SAN'].Values -join ", ") Signature algorithm: SHA256 Key algorithm: RSA Key size: 2048 " -ForegroundColor Yellow certreq -new $files['settings'] $files['csr'] > $null # Output the CSR $CSR = Get-Content $files['csr'] Write-Output $CSR Write-Host " " # Set the Clipboard (Optional) Write-Host "Copy CSR to clipboard? (y|n): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline if ((Read-Host) -ieq "y") { $csr | clip Write-Host "Check your ctrl+v " } ######################## # Remove temporary files ######################## $files.Values | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
certs.1734357085.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/16 05:51 by johnsonjohn