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Business Rules
Project Insight Update
// JWJ0215 10.30.24 - Last tested on 10.30 @ 2.42 pm // Project Insight Update Script // This script will get needed data from the ServiceNow Project Request (before approved for a project), and // push the data to Project Insight. (function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/ ) { var payload = {}; // get user from user table var gr = new GlideRecord("sys_user"); gr.addQuery("sys_id", current.requested_for); gr.query(); if ( { payload.requested_for =; } // ***End get user*** // Get Project Insight Records from the project Insight table **U_PROJECT_INSIGHT_RECORDS** // get the sys id var pigr = new GlideRecord("u_project_insight_records"); pigr.addQuery("u_requested_item", current.sys_id); pigr.query(); if ( { payload.u_project_insight_records_sysid = pigr.sys_id.toString(); payload.u_project_insight_records_number = pigr.number.toString(); payload.u_prioritization_group = pigr.u_prioritization_group.toString(); payload.priority = pigr.priority.getDisplayValue(); payload.u_expense = pigr.u_expense.toString(); payload.u_project_request_status = pigr.u_project_request_status.toString(); payload.short_description = pigr.short_description.toString(); payload.description = pigr.description.toString(); payload.u_status = pigr.u_status.toString(); // trying u_status } // Grab the Description from the task table ****************************************** gr = new GlideRecord("task"); gr.addQuery('description'); gr.query(); if ( { gr.description.toString(); } gr = new GlideRecord("sys_user"); gr.addQuery("sys_id", current.variables.sponsor_manager_and_up_only_for_this_field); gr.query(); if ( { payload.sponsor_manager_and_up_only_for_this_field =; } gr = new GlideRecord("sys_user"); gr.addQuery("sys_id", current.variables.contact_name); gr.query(); if ( { payload.contact_name =; } // which_location_is_the_project_for gr = new GlideRecord("cmn_department"); gr.addQuery("sys_id", current.variables.which_location_is_the_project_for); gr.query(); if ( { payload.cost_center =; } // ***End get Project Insight Records*** // below information is from the **SC_REQ_ITEM** table. payload.sys_id = current.sys_id.toString(); payload.u_project_approved_date = current.u_project_approved_date.toString(); payload.number = current.number.toString(); payload.u_project_type = current.u_project_type.toString(); payload.request_created_on = current.variables.request_created_on.toString(); //sc_req_item payload.contact_s_phone_number = current.variables.contact_s_phone_number.toString(); //sc_req_item payload.what_is_the_problem_you_are_trying_to_solve = current.variables.what_is_the_problem_you_are_trying_to_solve.toString(); payload.u_estimated_hours = current.u_hours.toString(); // trying u_hours var PI = new ProjectInsightScriptInclude(); var res = PI.send(payload); })(current, previous); // Link // https://<instance>
INCIDENT-Derive NonState Values from parent inc
// Condition: current.parent_incident.changes() && !current.parent_incident.nil() (function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) { // If child incident is already Closed or Cancelled, child incident should not be updated if (current.incident_state == IncidentState.CLOSED || current.incident_state == IncidentState.CANCELED) return; // If parent incident is already Closed or Cancelled, child incident should not be updated if (current.parent_incident.incident_state == IncidentState.CLOSED || current.parent_incident.incident_state == IncidentState.CANCELED) return; // Update child incident's Category, Subcategory, Assignment group, and Assigned to fields to match that of parent incident current.category = current.parent_incident.category; current.subcategory = current.parent_incident.subcategory; // Only copy parent incident's assignment group if it is not empty. if (!current.parent_incident.assignment_group.nil()) { current.assigned_to = ''; current.assignment_group = current.parent_incident.assignment_group; } // Only copy parent incident's assigned to if it is not empty. if (!current.parent_incident.assigned_to.nil()) { current.assigned_to = current.parent_incident.assigned_to; } })(current, previous);
INCIDENT-Display Caller Email is Empty
(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) { var callerName =; gs.addInfoMessage('Please note: Email address for the caller,'+callerName+', is empty. They will not receive email communications sent by ServiceNow.'); })(current, previous);
True Up NonState Values from Parent INC
(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) { // Add your code here var sysID = current.sys_id; //Check for any child incidents var childCheck = new GlideRecord('incident'); childCheck.addQuery('parent_incident', sysID); //childCheck.addEncodedQuery('parent_incident='+sysID); childCheck.query(); if (childCheck.hasNext()) { while ( { // If child incident is already Closed or Cancelled, child incident should not be updated if (childCheck.incident_state == IncidentState.CLOSED || childCheck.incident_state == IncidentState.CANCELED) return; // Update child incident's Category, Subcategory, Assignment group, and Assigned to fields to match that of parent incident childCheck.category = current.category; childCheck.subcategory = current.subcategory; // Only copy parent incident's assignment group if it is not empty. if (!current.assignment_group.nil()) { childCheck.assigned_to = ''; childCheck.assignment_group = current.assignment_group; } // Only copy parent incident's assigned to if it is not empty. if (!current.assigned_to.nil()) { childCheck.assigned_to = current.assigned_to; } childCheck.setWorkFlow(false); childCheck.update(); } } })(current, previous);
business_rules.1734112934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/13 10:02 by johnsonjohn