**Welcome to S N O **
======My Code======
=====NON UTIL USER=====
// Run DEBUG NOW only. Do not run EXECUTE NOW. This will give you a list of users that are NOT ITIL USERS.
// This list of NON ITIL users will show up in the User Logs. JWJ0215 02.19.24
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user_has_role');
while (gr.next()) {
var gr2 = new GlideRecord('sys_user_has_role');
gr2.addEncodedQuery('user=' + gr.user.sys_id + '^role.name=itil');
if (!gr2.hasNext()) {
//gs.print(gr.user.getDisplayValue() + ' ' + gr.role.getDisplayValue());
UserLog(gr.user.getDisplayValue() + ' ' + gr.role.getDisplayValue());
=====My Favorites=====
======JavaScript Snippets======
=====Getting Started=====
gs.info('Hello, world!');
var gr = new GlideRecord('task');
while (gr.next()) {
function onLoad() {
alert('Current state value is: ' + g_form.getValue('state'));
=====Statements and Syntax=====
// Required:
var i = 0; i++ // <-- semicolon obligatory
// (but optional before newline)
var i = 0 // <-- semicolon optional
i++ // <-- semicolon optional
// Optional:
var i; // variable declaration
i = 5; // value assignment
i = i + 1; // value assignment
i++; // same as above
var x = 9; // declaration & assignment
var fun = function() {...}; // var decl., assignmt, and func. defin.
alert("hi"); // function call
// Avoid
// NO semicolons after }:
if (...) {...} else {...}
for (...) {...}
while (...) {...}
// BUT:
do {...} while (...);
// function statement:
function (arg) { /*do this*/ } // NO semicolon after }
// Exception:
for (var i=0; i < 10; i++) {/*actions*/} // correct
for (var i=0; i < 10; i++;) {/*actions*/} // SyntaxError
// L03S01 - Simple variables & good/bad variable names
var name = 'Chuck'; // Simple string variable
var i = 0; // Simple integer variable
var answer = true; // Simple boolean variable
// Naming
var c = "http://www.amazon.com"; // Not ideal
var case = 'CASE0010001'; // Reserved word!
var lastEntryInTheListWithRelatedRecords = true; // a bit long?
// personCount // Indicates a counter/integer
// personList // Must be a list
// personObj // Object
// personGr // GlideRecord
=====Simple Arithmetic Operators=====
// L04S01 - Mathematical operators
// Assignment
var a = 12;
var b = 3;
// Addition
gs.info(2 + 2);
gs.info(a + 2);
b = b + 2;
// b += 2; // shorthand for the line above
gs.info(a + b);
// Increment by 1
// Decrement by 1
// Multiply
gs.info(a * b);
// Division
gs.info(a / b);
// Modulo - get the remainder of a division
gs.info(a % b);
var c = (5 + 4) * 2;
=====Common Error Messages=====
// L05S01 - Common error messages
ga.info('Hello, world!);
=====Introduction to Strings=====
// L06S01 - Strings
var firstName = "Chuck";
var lastName = 'Tomasi'; // Either is ok
var myCar = "Chuck's Car"; // Mix them to avoid issues
// Note the use of + when strings are involved
var name = firstName + ' ' + lastName;
gs.info('length of name=' + name.length);
=====Special String Characters=====
// L07S01 - Special characters
// \n = new line
// \t = tab
// \\ = backslash
// \' = single quote
// \" = double quote
gs.info('Single string\nTwo lines');
gs.info('Chuck\'s simple script');
gs.info('Don\'t confuse a forward slash (/) with a backslash(\\)');
=====Data Type Conversions=====
// L08S01 - Changing and detecting variable types
var i = 5;
var iStr = i.toString();
gs.info(typeof i);
gs.info(typeof iStr);
var n = parseInt(iStr);
gs.info(typeof n + ' n=' + n);
// L09S01 - Commenting
// This is a single line comment
/* This is another way to comment */
This is a multi-line comment.
This code is commented out!
var name = 'Chuck';
gs.info('name = ' + name);
// L10S01 - Arithmetic Operators
var a = 0;
var b = 1;
gs.info(a < b);
var n = '3';
var i = 3;
gs.info(n == i); // REALLY?!!
gs.info(i = 4); // WATCH OUT!!!
=====If Statements and Boolean Logic=====
// S11S01 - If Statements
var a = 1;
var b = 3;
var c = 5;
if (a < b)
gs.info('a is less than b');
// else
if (a < b)
gs.info('a is less than b');
gs.info('a is greater than or equal to b');
// Else if and else
if (a < b)
gs.info('a is less than b');
else if (a > b)
gs.info('a is greater than b');
else if (a == b)
gs.info('a equals b');
if (a < b)
if (b < c)
gs.info('a b c are in order');
// S11S02 - Boolean logic
// AND (&&) - both must be true
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | AND | true | false |
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | true | true | false |
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | false | false | false |
// +---------+---------+---------+
// OR (||) - Either must be true
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | OR | true | false |
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | true | true | true |
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | false | true | false |
// +---------+---------+---------+
// NOT (!) - reverse the logic
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | NOT | true | false |
// +---------+---------+---------+
// | | false | true |
// +---------+---------+---------+
var a = 1;
var b = 3;
var c = 5;
if (a < b && b < c)
gs.info('a b c are in order');
if (b > a || b > c)
gs.info('b is greater than one of them.');
// Note, indentation can be deceptive!!!
if (a < b)
if (b < c) {
gs.info('a b c are in order');
gs.info(' that means a is less than c');
gs.info('a is greater than or equal to b');
var valveOpen = true;
if (valveOpen == true)
gs.info('Valve is currently open');
if (bool)
gs.info('Valve is currently open');
var valveOpen = false;
if (!valveOpen)
gs.info('Valve is currently closed');
=====The Ternary Operator=====
// L12S01 - The ternary operator
// Could have written...
var valveOpen = true;
var openStatusString;
if (valveOpen)
openStatusString = 'open';
openStatusString = 'closed';
gs.info('1: Valve is currently ' + openStatusString);
// Introducing a shortcut way...
var openStatusString = (valveOpen) ? 'open' : 'closed';
gs.info('2: Valve is currently ' + openStatusString);
=====The Switch Statement=====
// L13S01 - Multiple cases
// Using if/else if/else if...
var level = 5;
var message = '';
if (level == 0)
message = 'Empty';
else if (level == 1 || level == 2)
message = 'Low';
else if (level == 3)
message = 'Medium';
else if (level == 4)
message = 'High';
else if (level == 5)
message = 'Full';
message = 'Uh-oh';
gs.info('Level=' + level + ' status=' + message);
// L13S02 - Multiple cases
// Using the switch statement
var level = 5;
var message = '';
switch (level) {
case 0:
message = 'Empty';
case 1:
case 2:
message = 'Low';
case 3: // Warning - what's wrong with case 3?
message = 'Medium';
case 4:
message = 'High';
case 5:
message = 'Full';
message = 'Uh-oh!';
gs.info('Level=' + level + ' status=' + message);
=====Truthy Falsy=====
// L14S01 - Truthy and Falsy
// Simple case of true and false
var boolTrue = true;
var boolFalse = false;
gs.info('boolTrue=' + boolTrue + ' boolFalse=' + boolFalse);
// L14S02 - Truthy and Falsy
// What about numbers
var num = 0; // <== try with different numbers
gs.info(num + ' is ' + ((num) ? 'true' : 'false'));
// L14S03 - Truthy and Falsy
// Take a look at strings
var string1;
var string2 = null;
var string3 = 'Hello, world!';
gs.info('string1=' + ((string1) ? 'true' : 'false'));
gs.info('string2=' + ((string2) ? 'true' : 'false'));
gs.info('string3=' + ((string3) ? 'true' : 'false'));
=====While Loop=====
// L15S01 - Simple while loop
var i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
gs.info('done i=' + i);
// L15S02 - breaking out of a while loop
var i = 0;
while (true) {
if (i == 5)
// L15S03 - Continue - jumping back to the while condition
var i = 0;
var done = false;
while (!done) {
if (i < 5) {
gs.info(i + ' done=' + done);
gs.info('I think we are done');
done = true;
=====For Loop=====
// L16S01 - For loop
// Note: break and continue work here too!
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
gs.info('done i=' + i);
=====Do While Loop=====
// L17S01 - do-while
var i = 0;
do {
gs.info('i=' + i);
} while (i < 5);
gs.info('done i=' + i);
=====Nested Loops=====
// L18S01 - Nested loops
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
gs.info('i=' + i + ' j=' + j);
gs.info('Done i=' + i + ' j=' + j);
// L19S01 - Functions
function sayHello() {
// L19S02 - Function with a parameter
function toCelsius(fahrenheit) {
var c = (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32);
// L19S03 - Function with a return value
function toCelsius(fahrenheit) {
return (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32);
var c = toCelsius(32);
c = toCelsius(212);
// L19S04 - Local variables scope
function toCelsius(fahrenheit) {
// c is only known in the function toCelsius()
var c = (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32);
return c;
gs.info(c); // What happened?
// L19S05 - Global variables and local
var convertTo = 'F';
function toCelsius(f) {
var c = (5 / 9) * (f - 32);
return c;
function toFahrenheit(c) {
var f = c * 9 / 5 + 32;
return f;
function convertTemp(temp) {
// use the global variable to determine conversion
if (convertTo == 'C') {
return toCelsius(temp);
} else {
return toFahrenheit(temp);
// L19S06 - Self running function
// This code is outside the function
var i = 20;
(function() {
// Local variable
i = 10; // uh-oh, forgot the var!
gs.info('i=' + i);
i = 3;
gs.info('i=' + i);
=====Try Catch Finally Statements=====
// L20S01 - bad script w/o try/catch
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
gs.info('i=' + i + ' answer=' + answer);
// L20S02 - Trapping that error
try {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
gs.info('i=' + i + ' answer=' + answer);
} catch (e) {
gs.error('Uh-oh ' + e.message);
// L20S03 - And finally…
try {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
gs.info('i=' + i + ' answer=' + answer);
} catch (e) {
gs.error('Uh-oh ' + e.message);
} finally {
=====SNOW Glide Record=====
// L21S01 - Simple Database query
// Get and display numbers on all incidents
var incGr = new GlideRecord('incident');
while (incGr.next()) {
// L21S02 - Get and display numbers on all incidents v2
var incGr = new GlideRecord('incident');
incGr.addQuery('active', true);
while (incGr.next()) {
// L21S03 - What is 'number’?
var incGr = new GlideRecord('incident');
if (incGr.next()) {
var dotNumber = incGr.number;
var gvNumber = incGr.getValue('number');
gs.info('dotNumber=' + typeof dotNumber + ' gvNumber=' + typeof gvNumber);
// Why should I care? I'll show you when we get to arrays...
// L21S04 - getting a single record quickly
// Just need one record? Use .get(SYSID) or .get('fieldName', fieldValue)
var incGr = new GlideRecord('incident');
if (incGr.get('965c9e5347c12200e0ef563dbb9a7156')) {
// or...
var incGr = new GlideRecord('incident');
if (incGr.get('number', 'INC0000059')) {
=====Introduction To Arrays=====
// L22S01 - Arrays
// Make a simple array
// Optional declaration, but not preferred:
// var list = Array();
var list = [];
list[0] = 1;
list[1] = 3;
list[2] = 5;
gs.info('length of list is: ' + list.length);
// L22S02 - Shorter way
var list = [1, 3, 5];
gs.info('length of list is: ' + list.length);
// L22S03 - Loops and arrays
var list = [1, 3, 5];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
gs.info('i=' + i + ' value=' + list[i]);
// Slightly better
var list = [1, 3, 5];
var len = list.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
gs.info('i=' + i + ' value=' + list[i]);
=====Array For Each=====
// L23S01 forEach with external function
var list = [1, 3, 5];
function myFunction(item) {
gs.info('myFunction item=' + item);
// L23S02 embedded forEach
var list = [1, 3, 5];
list.forEach(function (item) {
gs.info('embedded function item=' + item);
// L23S03 - What else can you get..
var list = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];
list.forEach(function (item, index, arr) {
gs.info('embedded function item=' + item + ' index=' + index + ' arr=' + arr);
=====Common Array Methods=====
// L24S01 - Common array methods/functions
var list = ['Chuck', 'Kreg', 'Stacey'];
gs.info('list=' + list);
// L24S02 - join(string)
var list = ['Chuck', 'Kreg', 'Stacey'];
gs.info('join: list=' + list.join(', '));
// push(value1, value2, ..., valueX)
gs.info('push: list=' + list.join(', '));
// pop()
gs.info('pop: list=' + list.join(', '));
// L24S03 - shift()
var list = ['Chuck', 'Kreg', 'Stacey'];
gs.info('Before shift(), list[0]=' + list[0]);
gs.info('shift: list=' + list.join(', '));
gs.info('After shift(), list[0]=' + list[0]);
// L24S04 - unshift
var list = ['Chuck', 'Kreg', 'Stacey'];
var newLength = list.unshift('Jason', 'Andrew');
gs.info('new length=' + newLength + ' unshift() list=' + list.join(', '));
// L24S05 - splice(position, n-remove, value1, value2, ..., valueX) - add/remove elements somewhere in the middle
var names = ["Eric", "Donna", "Melanie", "Jessie"];
gs.info(names.join(', '));
names.splice(2, 0, "Cary", "Henri");
gs.info(names.join(', '));
// L24S06 - slice(start, end) - extract part of an array in to another array
var names = ["Eric", "Donna", "Melanie", "Jessie", "Howard", "Tomasz"];
gs.info(names.join(', '));
var subNames = names.slice(1, 3); // Get names at positions 1 and 2
gs.info(subNames.join(', '));
// L24S08 - Reverse the elements of an array
var names = ["Eric", "Donna", "Melanie", "Jessie", "Howard", "Tomasz"];
gs.info(names.join(', '));
// L24S09 - Getting the value
var list = [];
var incGr = new GlideRecord('incident');
incGr.addQuery('priority', '1');
while (incGr.next()) {
gs.info('list=\n' + list.join('\n'));
=====SNOW Array Utility=====
// L25S01 - ArrayUtil
var au = new ArrayUtil();
var names = [
var newNames = au.unique(names);
gs.info(newNames.join(', '));
=====Introduction To Objects=====
// L26S01 - Simple Objects
var box = {};
box.height = 20;
box.width = 10;
box.length = 10;
box.material = "cardboard";
box.open = true;
// L26S02 - Bracket notation…
var vehicle = {};
vehicle['year'] = 2018;
vehicle['make'] = "Toyota";
vehicle['model'] = "Sienna";
gs.info(vehicle['year'] + ' ' + vehicle['make'] + ' ' + vehicle['model']);
// L26S03 - Shortcut - note the double quotes
var vehicle = {
"year" : 2018,
"make" : "Toyota",
"model" : "Sienna"
gs.info(vehicle['year'] + ' ' + vehicle['make'] + ' ' + vehicle['model']);
=====Checking If Object Has Property=====
// L27S01 - hasOwnProperty
var vehicle = {
"year" : 2018,
"make" : "Toyota",
"model" : "Sienna"
gs.info(vehicle.hasOwnProperty("year")); // <== true
gs.info(vehicle.hasOwnProperty("price")); // <== false
=====Finding All Properties in Object=====
// L28S01 - Get object keys
var vehicle = {
"year" : 2018,
"make" : "Toyota",
"model" : "Sienna"
for (var key in vehicle) {
gs.info('key=' + key + ' value=' + vehicle[key]);
=====Array of Objects=====
// L29S01 - Array of Objects
var bookList = [
"title" : "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets",
"author" : "J.K. Rowling"
"title" : "Moby Dick",
"author" : "Herman Melville"
"title" : "A Tale of Two Cities",
"author" : "Charles Dickens"
var len = bookList.length;
gs.info('Last author=' + bookList[len].author);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var book = bookList[i];
gs.info(i + ' - Title: ' + book.title + ' - Author: ' + book.author);
=====JSON Stringify and Parse=====
// L30S01 - Stringify and Parse
var bookList = [
"title" : "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets",
"author" : "J.K. Rowling"
"title" : "Moby Dick",
"author" : "Herman Melville"
"title" : "A Tale of Two Cities",
"author" : "Charles Dickens"
gs.info(bookList); // That's not very helpful!
var bookListStr = JSON.stringify(bookList);
gs.info(bookListStr); // I can read it - sort of
var bookListStrFormat = JSON.stringify(bookList, null, 4);
gs.info(bookListStrFormat); // Ah - that's better!
// L30S02 - Parse example
var libraryStr = '[{"title":"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets","author":"J.K. Rowling"},{"title":"Moby Dick","author":"Herman Melville"},{"title":"A Tale of Two Cities","author":"Charles Dickens"}]';
gs.info('length=' + libraryStr.length);
var libraryObj = JSON.parse(libraryStr);
gs.info('length=' + libraryObj.length);
gs.info(JSON.stringify(libraryObj, null, 4));
=====More String Methods=====
// L31S01 More string stuff
// Find the position of a character or substring
var subject = 'Warning: Email is not working';
var pos = subject.indexOf('Email');
// L31S02 - Use the position of a character/substring as a condition
var short_description = 'System is displaying error message';
if (short_description.indexOf('error') >= 0) {
gs.info("Error message found");
// L31S03 - Get a substring
var str = 'Approved: RITM0010001 - Laptop renewal';
var pos = str.indexOf('RITM');
var ritmNumber = str.substring(pos, pos + 11);
// L31S04 - Case matters with strings
var firstName = 'Chuck';
var loginName = 'chuck';
if (loginName == firstName) {
gs.info('names match');
} else {
gs.info('names do not match');
// L31S05 - Using toUpper or toLower for better matching
var firstName = 'Chuck';
var loginName = 'chuck';
gs.info('firstName=' + firstName.toUpperCase() + ' loginName=' + loginName.toUpperCase());
if (loginName.toUpperCase() == firstName.toUpperCase()) {
gs.info('names match');
} else {
gs.info('names do not match');
// L32S01 - Recursion
function factorial(x) {
if (x < 0)
if (x === 0)
return 1;
return x * factorial(x - 1);
gs.info(factorial(3)); // 6
// L33S01 - Classes, Objects, and Prototypes
var person = Class.create();
person.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
this.firstName = '';
this.lastName = '';
setFirstName : function(str) {
this.firstName = str;
setLastName : function(str) {
this.lastName = str;
getDisplayName : function() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
type: person
var me = new person();
gs.info('me=' + me.firstName + ' ' + me.lastName); // Not advised
var name = me.getDisplayName();
// L33S02 - Initialize values
var person = Class.create();
person.prototype = {
initialize: function(str1, str2) {
this.firstName = str1;
this.lastName = str2;
setFirstName : function(str) {
this.firstName = str;
setLastName : function(str) {
this.lastName = str;
getDisplayName : function() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
type: 'person'
var me = new person('Chuck', 'Tomasi');
var name = me.getDisplayName();
=====Passing Objects to Functions=====
// L34S01 - Passing objects to functions
var item = Class.create();
item.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
debugObject : function(obj) {
gs.info('object=' + JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4));
type: 'item'
var myObj = {
"type" : "vehicle",
"engine" : true,
"wheels" : 4,
"state" : "allocated"
var myItem = new item();
myItem.debugObject(myObj); // Loosely coupled
=====Class Inheritence=====
// L35S01 - Inheritance
var vehicle = Class.create();
vehicle.prototype = {
initialize: function(year, make, model) {
this.make = make;
this.model = model;
this.year = year;
register : function() {
gs.info(this.getDisplayName() + ' registered!');
info : function() {
gs.info('Vehicle info: TBD');
getDisplayName : function() {
return this.year + ' ' + this.make + ' ' + this.model;
type: 'vehicle'
var car = Class.create();
car.prototype = Object.extendsObject(vehicle, {
findDealer : function() {
gs.info('Find dealer is not yet implemented');
info : function() {
gs.info('Car info: TBD');
type: 'car'
var v1 = new vehicle('2018', 'John Deere', 'Tractor');
var v2 = new car('2017', 'Honda', 'CR-V');
=====Scripted REST API=====
// L36S01 - Simple scripted REST API (GET) resource
(function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
return "hello, world!";
})(request, response);
// L36S02 - Scripted REST API with query parameters
(function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
// Example Query parameters
// https://?active=true&name=now
var queryParams = request.queryParams;
var isActiveQuery = queryParams.active; //true
var nameQueryVal = queryParams.name; //‘now’
var answer = "Response: active=" + isActiveQuery + " name=" + nameQueryVal;
return answer;
})(request, response);
// L36S03 - Scripted REST API with path parameters
(function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
// Example path parameters
// https://instance.service-now.com/api/now/myservice/{tableName}/{id}
// https://instance.service-now.com/api/now/myservice/myApp_table/1234
var pathParams = request.pathParams;
var tableName = pathParams.tableName; //‘myApp_table’
var id = pathParams.id; //‘1234’
var answer = "Response: tableName=" + tableName + " id=" + id;
return answer;
})(request, response);
// L36S04 - Scripted REST API (POST) with request body payload
(function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
var name = request.body.data.name;
var id = request.body.data.id;
var color = request.body.data.color;
var answer = "Response: name=" + name + " id=" + id + " color=" + color;
return answer;
})(request, response);
// L36S05 - Scripted REST API with POST and response
(function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
var name = request.body.data.name;
var id = request.body.data.id;
var color = request.body.data.color;
// Do some processing here
var answer = {};
answer.status = "OK";
answer.author = "system";
answer.item = {"name" : "Rome", "owner" : "Chuck Tomasi", "count" : 12};
answer.active = true;
return response;
})(request, response);